Monday, 5 May 2008

The Beauty of the Small

Feeling the freedom you can have in life is going on a trip not knowing when and how you will return and where you are going to stay the night. And not even caring about it. This is how I spent my weekend.
Luckily enough, as public transport can become difficult after 5 pm.

On Saturday I went to the small beautiful Welsh town Llangollen. Its charm spreads from the river Dee which runs right through it and along the valley, up to the surrounding hills sprinkled with quite talkative and curious, but easily scared sheep. One of these hills is topped with ruins of a medieval castle named Castell Dinas Brân. Simply put, this was yet the highlight of my trip to the UK. And yes, the British women have been considered in this statistic.

Enjoy the photos (and 2 videos) showing some of the fantastic views in this slideshow:

An experience like that was hard to match, but my trip to the small English town Shrewsbury turned out to be the right thing to do the day after. I followed the recommended route through the city centre which actually took the predicted 2 hours. I added another 3 hours to stroll around, have a truly delicious meal and take in the flair of so many medieval buildings, narrow alleyways and cobbled roads.
The town is almost entirely encircled by a bight of the river Severn and along with a huge park having a romantic sunken garden at its heart, the rest of the day was left to enjoy the tranquility of these surroundings.

Proof can be found in this slideshow:

1 comment:

Eric T. Hansen said...

I'm not sure what I like best - the romantic ruin or the cool town...